What we can do for you
.. schaun wir mal - es dürfte alles da sein - wir können anfangen!

... even if a lot is still unclear and rather exotic today, we will pick you up at the right place and start the journey together.
...die vielen Fragen des wo, wie, was
Now let's get down to business:
What language, what previous knowledge, what objective, what time frame, what effort, etc. etc.
We want to know everything - not really everything, no. But everything we need to be able to advise you reliably and comprehensibly to help you make the best possible decision.
- and for that we do need some information.
We discuss most of this in a personal conversation, as far as possible and desired.
If necessary, you can do the required classification here online. Free of charge and without obligation.
And of course - you can also go through our analysis sheet online and make it available to us.

... And what can we do for you?
Ich würd' mal ganz gerne? = 1 mal pro Woche / Gruppe
In zwei Wochen Präsentaton auf der Hannover Messer? = Crashkurs / 6 Stunden täglich
Regelmäßig montags? Geht gar nicht! = Einzelunterricht
Wir würden aber gerne zusammenbleiben = Privatgruppe
Also mir geht's vor allem um Korrespondenz = Workshop
Hallo? 40 km Anfahrt? = bitte online
Sie können sich denken, dass wir gerade nur an der Spitze des Eisbergs gekratzt haben. Mit den Fragen nach den Kosten, zur Zielsetzung, zur Gruppenzusammensetzung, zum Inhalt geht es weiter.
Vor diesem Hintergrund beraten wir Sie. Wir werden zunächst versuchen, Ihren Wünschen und Überlegungen zu folgen, werden Ihnen aber auch widersprechen, wenn Ihre Übelegungen vor dem Hintergrund unserer Erfahrungen nicht wirklich zielführend zu sein scheinen.
In welchem Verhältnis sollten Intensität und Kontinuität stehen? Lieber 8 Stunden die Woche, 3 Wochen hintereinander und dann Schluss oder besser umgekehr? Das klären wir alles und vielleicht -
Ja, richitg! - vielleicht muss man manches auch einfach mal probieren: Komme ich mit online klar, wie fühlt sich online-Unterricht an? Sind 2 Stunden nicht etwas wenig? Oder - halte ich 6 Stunden täglich aus? Ist das nicht viel zu viel? Wie soll ich denn das alles behalten?
Wir klären das alles - in Ihrem Sinn und letztlich entscheiden Sie.

...wie funktioniert's
Now let's get down to business:
What language, what previous knowledge, what objective, what time frame, what effort, etc. etc.
We want to know everything - not really everything, no. But everything we need to be able to advise you reliably and comprehensibly to help you make the best possible decision.
- and for that we do need some information.
We discuss most of this in a personal conversation, as far as possible and desired.
If necessary, you can do the required classification here online. Free of charge and without obligation.
And of course - you can also go through our analysis sheet online and make it available to us.

Da arbeitet alles ganz gut zusammen...

... oder so!
... how shall we meet?
Course types
... how would you like it? 1, 2, 3, 8 or 10, participants?
Well - in principle there are two options: You decide on all the factors - when, where, how long, etc. - or you join in an existing group.
Join an open group and accept all the conditions by which a specific group is fo: language level, training days and time, coach, content, participants, duration, intensity, etc.

We can make your learning situation ...
Group courses
... in the aft with the helmsman on target course! -
- You can divide your time and
keep regular appointments?
- You want a solid foundation in
the foreign language?
- You are not under any special
deadline pressure?
- You enjoy meeting new people and good conversation?
If you can answer "yes" to these questions, then a group course is just the thing.
Meet in small groups of up to 8 participants one or two days a week. From beginner to conversation level, the focus of these courses is on oral communication in the field of colloquial language. The most homogeneous group composition possible is guaranteed through detailed advice and placement.
... and so you know exactly what you are getting into, you always have the opportunity of taking part in a non-binding trial lesson to view specific courses ...
... and of course everything can go online too!

... very individual!
Private lessons
... you are the measure of all things!
Wherever the occasion may come from: From the crammed schedule, the trade fair in Paris in 4 weeks, new responsibilities or simply the feeling of wanting to be free - our intensive programs do not restrict you further.
Of course, this means that the term intensive training is associated with more than just intensity. It guarantees flexible and extremely personal organization of your foreign language development. You have the choice to attend the training alone or with other people, whether you are with us for one hour a week or eight hours a day. You determine the pace of learning and the content, set dates and times, and decide how you will use your resources.
Of course we will never leave you alone. At any time, you can rely on our knowledge and experience in your considerations so you can make the right decision for your personal goals.
... and of course everything can go online too!
Private lessons
General English A2.1.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
General English A2.1.2 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
General English A2.2.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
General English A2.2.2 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
General English B1.1.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
General English B1.1.2 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English A2.1.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English A2.1.2 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English A2.2.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English A2.2.2 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English B1.1.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English B1.1.2 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English B1.2.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English B1.2.2 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English B2.1.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English B2.2.1 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English B2.2.2. = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21
Business English B2.1.2 = 40 UE = Laufzeit: 02.08.21 - 13.012.21